Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Knitting and Decorating

I am knitting on the gusset of my second QoC sock. Joy! I actually got to spend the evening knitting and watching some of my favorite shows: Bones, House, and Boston Legal **.

While watching these shows, I got to sit my tush in our new furniture. We went looking for end tables on Sunday, just end tables. Nothing else, nope nada, not going to be seduced. Uh yeah, right! We ended up with a leather sofa and loveseat, and two gorgeous inlay tables. So in reality, we replaced just about everything. The squeaky newness was delivered today, and my oh my, this is a posh place to live now.

**(Well, no BL tonight. It was pre-empted by a special on the California fires. This is horrible: the devastation, the loss of life and property, the pets and wildlife affected, the enormity of it all... It's terribly sad. I live in Tornado Alley, I live with the threat of devastation every spring and summer, but in the overall scheme of things, my threat goes away with the seasons. This fire "entity", just never goes away, it's always there, menacing, and looming. Nature is a powerful force.)

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