Monday, October 29, 2007

Queen of Cups, complete

My regal endeavors have come to a close -- I've finished the Queen of Cups socks, by Nathania Apple. This turned out to be a lace pattern that wasn't too easy or too hard, like Goldilocks, it was Just Right. The lovely tealy green of Fearless Fibers 100% Superwash Merino Wool Sock Yarn in the Prosperity colorway shows the inverted lace cups beautifully.

I need (want!) to get some sock blockers, not only for shaping after the socks are washed, but for getting really decent pictures. It's darn hard to take pictures of socks when they're modelled on your own feet!

Next I want to finish the Mystery Stole and have it ready to block by next week. That will leave me all of November to knit the one other Christmas pressie I have in mind, and also finish up my daughter's Skull Illusion Scarf. I promised it to her before the cold Oklahoma winds come a'sweepin' down the plains. Gotta get with it.

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