Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tiling and Painting and More, Oh My!

For about the last four or five weeks, Hubby and I have been doing a major renovation of the downstairs. We completely ripped out the carpet, all the baseboards and door surrounds, and proceeded to blithely begin tiling our little hearts out. Oy. We're still a month from being totally finished with everything, by my estimate.

I love this inlay we did in the entryway (it's pre-grout in this pic):

We lived rather .... simply, at the beginning. Only a recliner, a sofa, and of course, the Big Screen.

I'm pleased to say that we have finally finished the tiling part, we are in the process of painting all the walls and ceilings (and by We, I mean, Hubby), and fashioning built-in bookcases where there were none before.

Some of the completed bits, the lounge and dining room. Need to hang pictures back up though.

Because of all this, my knitting time has been drastically reduced. I had to simply put away my Mystery Stole 3, a mere 26 or 27 rows away from casting off. SOB!!! But I knew better than to risk its wonderful goodness in all this mortar, grout, sawdust, and paint. I will still finish it before Christmas and have it ready to gift out to its intended.

I haven't denied myself totally though -- I've been knitting on the Queen of Cups socks in Fearless Fiber Prosperity colorway, superwash merino sock yarn. It's a lovely pattern and the yarn is dreamy.


  1. Damn girl!! You have been a busy bee. Sure looks good.

  2. Great job on both the tile and sock!

    So glad to see you here in blogland :)

  3. Look at you.... that looks cool, but like a lot of work. Love the Sock. Can't wait to get to know you better.
