Thursday, November 8, 2007

Honeybee Stole vs. Twinings Stole

I'm in a pickle. When I saw Anne Hanson's (KnitSpot) Honeybee Stole a while back, I fell in love with it. Armed with that heady feeling, I bought the pattern and my most expensive yarn to date: 100% Claudia Silk in Honey - apropos, as it was for the Honeybee Stole after all. I knew it would have to go into my queue and I was okay with that. Fate can be cruel.

Since then, Anne came out with the Twinings Stole. My heart flip flopped. It's like she designed it for me. It's not that I don't like the Honeybee anymore, but I'm really not enamored by it. I lust after Twinings. But feelings of guilt keep whispering in my ear that I mustn't abandon the Honeybee, how fickle can I be???

I haven't ordered Twinings yet, I want to, but I haven't. I feel like a cad for dropping one stole as soon as the next pretty one flashes some edging and yarn overs at me. I think Twinings would be GORGEOUS in the silk honey yarn, and that pattern just taunts me.

Should I put Honeybee on the back burner and throw myself into Twinings with the mad abandon I feel? Or should I remain faithful to my original plans?


  1. oh, make the twinings!! nothing gives one incentive like lust! i tell all my students to make what they love and with a yarn they want to pick up frequently.
    and you know, it's a quick knit and you can wear it while you work on the bee . . .

  2. Twinings has been ordered and received!! :)
