Monday, November 19, 2007

More Christmas completed!

I have two more Smidges finished, and the pics are languishing in my camera. Actually, one of them is really my design, might be the first project that I put together on my own. It's just a little thing, but I'm pretty pleased with it.

That being said, I can't show you it right now, for two reasons. One, as said, the pics are still in the camera. Two, the recipient has this blog address, and I'd hate to spoil her Christmas surprise by her seeing it here first. So you'll have to wait on this one until after we meet for lunch and she gets her pressie. But to expound a bit, it has an element of her faith knitted in, but not jump right out and smack you in the face with it; I used illusion knitting.

I'm a little stinker, ain't I? LOL

I've begun my son's GF's Smidge, and it's going to be gorgeous!

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