Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ta Da!

Here it is, the Swan Lake Stole, beautifully modelled by my daughter, Katie.

She even said that she would like one, in black, if I would put the wing on both sides. Wow!! (Good thing that Melanie thought of that ahead of time when she designed this stole, and included a double-winged option, called The Wings of a Dream, in the finished pattern. Thank you, Melanie!!) I will definately be doing this for my girl, who, by the way, just turned 17 yesterday. Happy Birthday, Katie!

A few more pics showing the lacework, and my oopsies:

I'm off to shop for black laceweight yarn for my Katie. And by the by, I now have the pattern for Twinings; I can see myself working on it soon.


  1. Beautiful! Gorgeous colour, works well on this design. Good luck with the Wings of a Dream...lucky it isn't for Christmas 2007!

  2. Too right! There's no way I could get something like that done in time for Christmas of this year. Thank you for the comment! ~Suzy

  3. Congratulation on finishing it. It's beautiful.

  4. Lovey job! Wear it in good health.

  5. Happy Birthday, Katie!
    No matter how many MS3's I've seen, another one takes my breath away. Your stole is so beautiful! I, too, want to do the double wings.

  6. Congratulations on finishing MS3! I love the green. Mine is languishing in the project bin, waiting for me to start clue 7.

    Maybe after Christmas?

  7. Thank you all for the kind comments! I am really happy with the stole. So far I've been looking at Fearless Fibers laceweight cashmere in Endless Night for my daughter's stole.

    As for languishing - I so understand. I had to make myself get the stole back out again and start knittig. Once I did, and got my groove back on, it almost finished itself.
