Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I thought I had killed the hibiscus last year when I put it back outside too soon, and that last frost nipped it. It didn't bloom at all during the spring/summer, but at least it didn't die. This time I was very careful not to put it on the deck until the last freeze threat had passed, and look!

Do you see the little friend peeking over the top leaf? I didn't until I downloaded the pictures, and there he was! (Actually, as cute as he is, in all his buggy-eyed wonder, he's probably the one responsible for the little nibbles taken out of that petal.)

I also have the first canna bud to show off:

As for knitting, I apologize in advance for the slightly blurry picture of the first River Rapid sock. Sock numero dos is cast on and into the second repeat on the leg portion.

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