Saturday, September 20, 2008

A fine Saturday afternoon

This past week in NE Oklahoma has been really lovely. Once Ike moved out of the area, we were blessed with cool mornings, slightly breezy afternoons in the high 70's low 80's, and beautiful blue skies. I can feel the fall in the air. Somehow, even though the temps are the same as we get when spring is starting, these feel like fall.

This morning I got out in the front flowerbed and performed my fall "slash and burn" on the old plants in there. I must say that I dislike gardening with a passion. I like nature, but not when it gets on me. If I were rich, one of the first people I would hire would be fulltime gardeners and lawn care specialists. I appreciate a beautiful garden, but I know how much work goes into keeping it that way and I don't wanna. But I am not rich, so I am the gardener, dang it. The cannas needed cutting back, the zinnias were out of control, and the grass seed from summer mowings had taken root and needed eradicating. I did all that, and about two hours and eight big trash bags later, I stumbled into the shower to get the nature off me.

So now I get to reward myself with an update of finished knitting. Yippee! I like knitting.

This is the finished Hamsa by Anne Hanson. It's for my MIL for Christmas. The yarn is by Deb Kessler of Fearless Fibers, laceweight merino wool, Spring Breeze colorway. Final size: 10" by 42".

Below is my current bus ride project: a basic no-frills sock in ZYG Merino Nylon Sock, colorway Buttercup. (Reminds me of "The Princess Bride")

I'm not happy with the color pooling, but the yarn itself is so soft.

I've working on the thumb for the Daina mitten, no finished pictures yet; soon, though, soon.

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