Sunday, September 14, 2008

Long time no post

Sorry about the hiatus; life got away with me. Work mainly, it's been murder. Anyhoo, there has been knitting going on:

The first Sea Minerals mitten is done.

I did change up the pattern a little during the cuff, and then again at the fingertips.

The Kiehkuralapaset - Swirly Mittens by goldenknits / AnneL was written as full mittens, but I made them into fingerless mitts:

I must say, I wish the two colors stood out from each other a bit more. They blend in too much. If I knit this again, I'll be more color careful.

Hamsa, my MIL's Christmas gift, is finished with its soak and is now pinned out, looking nifty. But it wasn't until I was actually going over the pics I took for posting, that I noticed my error: an extra yo or two. Oh well, too late now, and as my grandmother used to say, no one will notice it on a trotting horse. True, I would have loved for it to be perfect, but it's very close. Finished dimensions: 10" by 42".

To recap: I have three mittens finished, none of them have mates, and I've started a fourth. Good grief!

On a non-knitting note: my heart goes out to all those poor people affected by the recent hurricanes, and especially to our friends from the Mayan Dude Ranch who live in the Houston and LA areas: I hope you all are well and safe, that no damage was incurred, and that you know your Ranch family members wherever we may live are thinking about you all!

1 comment:

  1. All your projects look lovely! And I agree with your grandma about the lace-I can't see anything wrong with it.
