Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Blogiversary to me!

It's my 1st Blogiversary -- here, everyone have some cake! :) This time last year Hubby and I were redecorating the downstairs, and living with aching bones/joints from tiling, grouting, painting, carpentry, etc. It turned out beautifully, and I still look at it in wonder, thinking, we did this, all of it. Wow.

I was deep in the throes of knitting my first big lace project, Mystery Stole 3 "Swan Lake", and knitting socks out the wahzoo. I'm still knitting lace, but have slowed down on the sock front to concentrate on colorwork, specifically stranded mittens. Lovin' that! If I ever save up enough money, I want to knit a Starmore piece, the Rheingold Wrap has caught my eye.

All in all, I'm really pleased with my blogging journey. It's been fun. Think I'll go for year number two.

Blog on.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Blogiversary! Here's to many more! :::lifts glass of spirited beverage:::
