Saturday, January 17, 2009


Knitting with this perfect red from Fearless Fibers will no doubt leave one feeling strong, bold, ready to take on the world! I asked Deb for a true red, and she delivered without a hitch. As I mentioned before, this yarn is destined to be a scarf for my son's girlfriend's mom, whom she said loves red. Our family met up with her family for dinner this last week and I saw that the mom was wearing bright red gloves and I smiled to myself. Yes indeed, this yarn will be perfect.

"Red for Suzy"

And I love that little personal touch Deb put on the label. Clicken on the pic to embiggen it and see! All that's left to do before knitting happiness is mine is to print off the pattern I bought from Anne Hanson, Punch and Judy, and cast on.

My busride moments of knitting are bearing fruit. I get about 20 minutes each trip to/from work, which equates into about ten rounds of sock knitting. It's very relaxing to knit while commuting. That time is mine and mine alone to be with my needles and my thoughts.

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