Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In which the mailman is my best friend

For yesterday he brought me yarnly goodness! My order from Simply Socks arrived and I wasted no time in casting on with Dream in Color's Classy in their new semi-solid color Grey Tabby. Luscious, scrumptious, and out of this world!

This is well on its way to being a pair of socks for my father-in-law. Grey Tabby looked like it would be just perfect for him.

Then, when the current bus socks are finished, I'll cast on with this little gem for another pair of bus socks:

Trekking XXL, in the Brachs Candy colorway. It's very fun, and aptly named; it really reminds me of the Brachs PickIt candy from the stores of long ago. Remember the coconut flavored ones, with the pink, brown, and white layers? Yeah, this is so that!

I've finished with the knitting part of a shrug I'm making, and now only have to seam it before crocheting the ruffly border. This project has been quickly losing my interest for quite awhile, but I'm so close, I just need to bite the bullet and seam, already. I'm hoping it will actually look half-way decent on me when I'm done, but I ain't holdin' my breath.

1 comment:

  1. I love my mailman too! He's brought me lots of fiber over the past week. I need to update about it.

    Good luck with the seaming! It sucks to do but the end product is (hopefully) worth it.
