Saturday, February 21, 2009

Short rows, not so scary after all

The current bus sock is a lovely self striping creature, and in deference to its adorable pattern, I decided that a short row heel would be the way to go. My last experience with you, short rows, was less than satisfactory, and made me shy away from trying you again. But this yarn whispered in my ears to give you another go, to get back on that horse and ride it down to the toes.

YouTube was my friend, and Cat Bordhi's demonstration clips were what saved me. Once I actually saw Cat's method being knitted, all the written instructions I had read before made sense.

Yea, verily, I am well pleased.

This is sKnitches Syncopation Self-Striping yarn, in the Leaflet colorway.

1 comment:

  1. That heel looks amazing! I'm going to have to try and find some videos the next time I try short row heels. I've never been pleased with my results.

    Also gotta say that I love the color of the socks. Great for spring!
