Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grand Lodge

Hubby and I went to Guthrie this weekend to the Masonic 2010 Lodge Leadership Conference at the Grand Lodge. Lots of great information, fraternity, and inspiration were on tap. The wives were invited to attend, and activities/seminars for us were planned as well. We had the immense pleasure and honor to be able to hear Dr. Jim Tresner speak about masonic history and its impact on the birth of democracy in America. I thoroughly enjoyed this time.

While on an afternoon break for free time, I walked down the street of historic Guthrie and visited a lovely little yarn store: SWAK, Sealed With a Kiss. There I found a gorgeous skein of yarn from my friends at Tempted Handpainted Yarns and Fibers: Queens "3 of a Kind" Good Girl fingering weight. Couldn't help myself, I scooped it up plus a set of Crystal Palace #1 bamboo dpns, and cast on for a pair of socks as soon as I got back to the lodge!

I mosied back to where the ladies were gathering after the break and we enjoyed a lovely hour or so of chatting, while they asked lots of questions about knitting. I finally decided on using Cookie A's pattern Hedera, should show off the yarn to a beautiful finish.

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