Monday, June 28, 2010

Piecing together

No pictures right this minute, but I'll try to get some tonight. Last night I unpinned Anise and began piecing together. The shoulder seams were first, and the collar was picked up next. That went pretty fast in double moss stitch, and I was ready to seam the sides before I knew it.

The side edges still had a slight curl to them, even after I had moved the bits around while drying, so a jolly stern iron steaming was due. After that I mattress stitched one side together, and wow, it was a thing of beauty. I laid it out on the dining room table to do this, which is something I hadn't ever done before. Usually seaming gets done while on the couch watching tv. And of course, I'm never quite happy with the results. Not this time. I did it correctly, and I'm thrilled with the results. There's a lesson in this, I'm sure.

One more side seam to do, and then setting in and seaming the sleeves. I haven't purchased the buttons yet, or the press studs to go behind them. This weekend, I won't let myself go past this weekend to accomplish the buttons.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the finished product! I too usually seam on the couch. When I finally get the space I'll have to try it the "right way" like you did :)
