Sunday, July 4, 2010

Anise finished

Hubby helped me pick out buttons yesterday for Anise, and I sewed them on today. I'm very happy with the overall look and fit of the sweater, and if it weren't for the model, me (sad face), who can't take a good picture to save her life, then the photo shoot would have been great.

So, here ya go, ignore me and focus on Anise. It's the star of this gig.

Close... (including dog nose)

Getting closer...

Really close now...

Argh!! Don't look, Ethel!

But it was too late.... :)


  1. It looks lovely! I have such admiration for knitters like you who actually finish projects, as opposed to me, who keeps starting new ones!

  2. Thank you!! I have plenty on the needles, don't worry. One is a fair isle vest that I might be able to wear by the time I'm 60. LOL.
