Sunday, January 2, 2011

aaaaaand.... we're steeked

Whew. Time to call it a night now.

Inside, reinforcing stitches

First cut

More cutting

Completely cut. :)


  1. I have never done this - the whole steeking process looks terrifying. Your bathroom looks great! Love following your process, as I have been where you are on a couple bath renovations. What a lot of work!
    Thanks for your blog - it's good to know there are nice folks living among us when the news seems filled with only the extremes.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  2. Steeking hasn't been as terrifying as I thought it would be. I guess using wool that grabs onto itself and doesn't unravel is a plus, too. :) Give it a try sometime, I think you'll like the results.

    We're really pleased with the bathroom. I think hubby will paint the second door tonight.

    Thank you for the sweet words about my blog. I enjoy yours, too.
