Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy busy busy

What a weekend! We were quite busy on Saturday, what with this errand and that, and then Sunday was a play/work day.

Sunday, Richard, Katie, and I hopped into BOB (the Challenger, Big Orange Beast) and tooled down Route 66 to Pop's, in Arcadia. There we met up with our son, Roger, and his girlfriend, Chelsea, to enjoy a lunch in the diner and to peruse their over 500 brands of soda pop.

On the way home, we stopped off at several landmark points of interest, and Richard took BOB's picture. We think BOB really enjoyed the run, and stretching his pistons out over the road.

I still managed to get the vacuuming done, and the laundry, and to knit a bit on my Bonnie Kate. The raglan increases are complete, and the armhole stitches put on waste yarn. A bit of straight knitting and then on to the eyelet panels.

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