Friday, February 25, 2011


This has been a tough week. Early Monday morning my brother calls me to say that Daddy has fallen and broken his hip. This happened in the rehab center he was already in for falling two week before that and breaking two ribs. So off to Oklahoma City Hubby and I go to see what's going on. Daddy gets admitted to the hospital, of course, but they can't do the hip surgery on him because he has pneumonia in his right lung, and his blood is too thin from his normal meds. Joy. We stay all day and then head back home with the understanding that he won't be able to have his surgery until all those things get better.

Tuesday is a normal day until about late afternoon, when again a call from my brother stirs us to action. Yes, the docs say, Daddy will have surgery at 7:00 a.m. Wednesday. Not that everything has cleared up, but because they need to get him up and moving for a better overall recovery, and that means his hip has to be fixed.

We leave the house at 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning to get to the hospital in time to see Daddy before surgery. It all goes swimmingly well, thank God. The surgeon was very happy with the overall state of Daddy's bones, said they were very dense for an 88 year-old man, not all porous and brittle. Yay! Wednesday was spent watching and waiting for Daddy to come out of the anesthesia haze. By the time we left that evening he had eaten a solid dinner and had had a breathing treatment.

Thursday was a day for doctor appointments for myself and Hubby. Called Daddy and found out he'd already had the "physical terrorists" (as he calls the therapists) in his room and they had him up and out of bed to begin his recovery. No rest for the wicked!!

Today, Friday, my poor hubby had to have oral surgery so I'm home with him playing Florence Nightingale. He's doing very well, and believes that percoset is his very best friend. That and the kitty curled up on his lap. Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur. Happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr.

Just glad this week is about over. It's been a doozy. Pretty sure we'll be making another trip to OKC sometime next week to see Daddy, but I just don't know when exactly.

Tired? Why yes I am. Wine? Yes please, fill 'er up!

ps: I did do a lot of knitting on the Hedera sock while at the hospital. Turned the heel on the second sock and made good movement down towards the toes.


  1. You poor thing! What a week! I hope the weekend is a bit less hectic and that you have a chance to sit down for a bit. You are in my thoughts. Hope Daddy and Hubby feel better soon!

  2. Thank you! I'm hoping for a calmer week, as well.
