Friday, May 16, 2008

Migration "scarflet"

The scarflet for my friend's birthday is happily blocked and drying. Turned out to be 8” x 36”, using only 15 pattern repeats of 8 (much less than the 40-ish suggested in the pattern).

I ran out of time and decided it would become something like one of Anne Hanson’s “little nothing” scarves. The Migration pattern is a Deb from Fearless Fibers original and was knit from stash FF sock yarn, which began life as, you guessed it: socks. There’s enough left over still to make mitts or another scarf out of it. When you order Fearless Fibers yarn, ya gets your money’s worth!

And here it is, showing off its cuteness in natural sunlight, lounging on our hibiscus plant:

And draping over the deck railing:

And around my neck!

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