Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Socks cast on!

Okay, I admit it, I'm bored with my stoles -- for the moment! To combat that, I knit my friend a scarflet for her birthday, and still needing something different, I cast on for the River Rapid Socks by Sock Bug. This is a wonderful pattern, not too difficult but not boring. And it knits up fast! I just started the other night, and I'm already close to the heel on Sock numero uno.

I'm using a yummy and delectible yarn from Dream in Color Smooshy, Gothic Rose colorway, on size 3 bamboo dpns. I love how it feels to knit: soft yet not limp (great stitch definition), springy yet not "sproingy", if you know what I mean.

Yes, I know -- this makes four WIPs on the needles. I'm sure you all understand!

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