Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009's last finished object

I finished the most current Bus Sock project, and this pair is probably the last thing I'll get finished in good old 2009. I've got a few other things still on the needles, but they won't be completed this calendar year.

I love the way the self-striping worked out -- sah-weet!!!

And this will be the next Bus Sock project:

2009 - you've been rough in lots of ways, but on the knitting front you've been pretty cool. I'm looking forward to 2010.


  1. Nice socks, the striping worked out perfectly! I was trying to see what the background on your laptop was but I couldn't figure it out.

  2. It's a steampunk themed jpg that my hubby found. We really like the steampunk genre.

    I'll be wearing my new socks today, now that they've dried from their blocking. :)
