Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

Albeit a tiny bit after the fact. I'm really hoping that 2010 treats the country better than 2009 did. I don't make resolutions, but I do try to make each day count, and to set myself goals that aren't outrageous, goals that I have a chance of achieving. I try to remember to hold friends and family close and to cherish their presence in my life.

Hubby, Daughter, and I were invited to a New Year's Eve party. (Son is in town on college break, but didn't want to get out and about; we left him at home.) The last few years we have holed up in the house, not going out, and have really enjoyed a lower key celebration. But this year, we decided to enjoy the evening with friends. We had a good time at the party, good food, good drink, and good company. We did go home shortly before midnight so we could toast in the new year with our Son, and that was very nice.

Our weather has broken more records. Not only did we have our very first blizzard warning and it snowed on Christmas, but these last few days have brought us some of the coldest temps we've had since 1998. School was cancelled yesterday and today because officials were worried about the kids who had to wait outside for buses or who walk to school: frostbite is a real danger with the below zero wind chills we're getting.

I'm only 7, yes, SEVEN, pattern rows away from being finished with my daughter's Wings of a Dream stole. If I just knit one or two rows (plus the returning wrong side purl rows) a night, I'll be finished before the end of this month. Yay! It's turning out gorgeous, I'm very happy with it. It's certainly been a labor of love. It's something that I hope she keeps forever to remind her of me after I've gone to the great LYS in the sky. Something that she might be able to pass on to her daughter.


  1. Happy New Year to you too! Can't wait to see the finished stole.

  2. Thank you! I'm so CLOSE I can taste it. It might be finished tonight, in fact.
