Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have completed the Wings of a Dream stole (again) for my daughter. Finally. Only the soaking, blocking, and weaving in of ends are yet to be done. No more frogging and reknitting.

Began WoaD: January 17, 2008
Finished WoaD: January 11, 2010, but.......

Began Reknit of Second Wing: February 1, 2010
Finished Reknit of Second Wing: March 14, 2010

Total knitting time on WoaD: 2 years, 56 days.


  1. does knitting usually take such a loong time??

    obiviously from a noob like me, kristine

    comment back in my blog

  2. Weeeellllll, sometimes. But usually no. What took this so long was that I had a lot of setbacks, didn't knit on it for weeks at a time, and just plain had other things I wanted to knit first so it always came last.

    There are folks who could have gotten this knit up in a few weeks. But it isn't a race, so I never let stuff like that worry me. :)

    Don't let how uber-long it took me to finish this to scare you off knitting it -- it's a beautiful pattern.

    Thanks for commenting!! :)
