Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pictures, Yay!

I bet most of you thought my camera was broken, what with the dearth of pictures displaying knitterly goodness lately. Au contraire, mes amis! It's just that I've been neglecting to take photos; after all - I can do that tomorrow!! Right?

Today is tomorrow, and here we go!

The 2 years 56 days long Wings of a Dream.

See how the wings both point in the same direction? Now my daughter won't fly in circles anymore when she wears it! I have plans to weave in the ends tonight, and then soak and block on Tuesday evening. We'll see how that works out.

Bus Socks VII, continued:

Past the heel of #2, so not much more to do.

These socks are intended as a birthday gift. This Fearless Fibers yarn is Merino, Cashmere, and Nylon sock weight in the Sublime colorway. It's very soft and scrumptious to work with. Nothing fancy on this: nice, steady, comforting stockinette. It really shows off the color beautifully, I think.

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